The assessment process is the basis for generating property tax revenues that pay for schools, roads, fire protection, police protection, recreational facilities, and other local services.
County Appraiser:
The County Appraiser is responsible for discovering, listing, and valuing all property within Greeley County and must follow state laws when meeting these responsibilities. Each year the Appraiser must review recent real estate sales and consider local economic conditions in order to maintain the most current value of the property in the county. The Appraiser’s goal is equalization of property values. This causes the taxes that pay for many community services to be distributed fairly and equitably between property owners.
The Taxpayer:
As a property owner and taxpayer, you have specific rights and responsibilities in the assessment process. You have the right to examine the Appraiser’s property records and verify that the property you own is listed and described correctly on the tax records. If you disagree with your property value, you may file an appeal with the County Appraiser. You have the responsibility to provide accurate information to the Appraiser about property you own and to attend and participate in budget hearings held by school, county, cities, and special districts which levy taxes on your property.
Some organizations’ and individuals’ properties are exempt from property taxes, such as churches, farmers’ grain storage, and some taxing entities. The Application for Tax Exemption is available here or from the Appraiser’s office.