Change of Valuation Notice

Each year, on or before March 1, the County Appraiser is required to send you a change of valuation notice. This notice describes the property you own, gives the actual values for both the prior and current year, and will provide you an opportunity to present your objection to the Appraiser. When you receive a change of value notice, study it carefully. The value shown on the notice will affect the amount of taxes you will pay the following December. The deadlines for appeal are set by Kansas law and are enforced.

If you feel the value the Appraiser has placed on your property is incorrect, you may wish to inspect the Appraiser’s records on your property. If you choose to file an appeal, you will want to provide information and documentation to support your estimate of value. Information such as a recent independent appraisal, recent sales of similar homes in your neighborhood, similar homes that are currently on the market, and written estimated from real estate professionals will all end support and credibility to your opinion of value.

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