A slate of yearly events draws tourists and out of town guests to the area. Make plans to attend one today and see all that Greeley County has to offer.
Groundhog Day Dinner : First Saturday. For over 50 years, the congregation of St. Joseph’ s Catholic Church in Tribune has sponsored their annual Groundhog Day event. Serving locally grown, hand-made whole hog sausage and breakfast all day, this year’s dinner promises to tempt the taste buds. The sausage is made fresh the day before from a well-kept secret recipe of spices and ingredients.
Annual Spring Livestock Show: First Saturday in May. Since 1982, area youth have proudly competed in showing their animals at the Annual Spring Livestock Show, held at the Ross Kuttler 4-H Pavilion.
Loyalty Day Turkey Shoot: First Weekend in May. Hosted by the Greeley County Trap Club. Includes an Annie Oakley. Entrance via the Landfill Entrance from Highway 27, North of Tribune, KS. No need to register in advance. Children under age 18, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
June Jaunt: First Full Weekend in June. Communities along K-96 partner to celebrate the June Jaunt, a multi-community event running from Tribune to Ellinwood. Activities in Tribune include the Gavin B. Kleymann Memorial Livestock Show, community-wide garage and sidewalk sales, a free-swim event, and much more
Fourth of July Church Services: On the first Sunday in July, the community gathers at the Horace Greeley Museum gazebo to enjoy a free hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs and sausage. Immediately following breakfast, the Ministerial Alliance leads the community in morning worship on the courthouse lawn.
Greeley County Fair: During the first week of August, Greeley County 4-H kids, family, and friends get together to show off their talents and livestock at the county fair. The fair weekend consists of 4-H and open exhibits, a hometown carnival, free barbeque, antique tractor pulls, and a number of recreational events. Many class and family reunions are also scheduled during Fair.
Downtown Christmas Open House: The Monday after Thanksgiving the merchants of Tribune stay open late for holiday shoppers. Shoppers can find discounts, prizes, carriage rides, strolling carolers, free pictures with Santa, and a free movie at the Star Theater of Tribune. A soup and pie supper and crafts fair at the VFW round out the evening.
Museum Christmas Tea: The second Sunday in December, the Horace Greeley Museum opens its doors for an annual Christmas Tea. In addition to special exhibits and refreshments, live entertainment is heard throughout the historic courthouse building. The Greeley County Historical Society hosts a bake sale, and all proceeds help with repairs and renovations to the building.